5 Reasons Why Pursuing M Tech Is A Good Choice For Your Career

Poornima University
3 min readJun 24, 2020

Completed B Tech and planning to choose a degree for gaining more knowledge? Well, don’t think much, if the field of science and technology interests you; choose to pursue an M Tech degree. With the specialization offered during M Tech, you will be able to give wings to your career in STEM fields. In addition to this, if you get a good score in B Tech, you can choose to pursue M Tech with a scholarship. Still thinking? Well, let us give you a few more reasons to help you make an informed decision!

Here are the 5 Reasons Why Pursuing M Tech Is A Good Choice For Your Career:

#1 Build Expertise: A master’s degree is all about developing a niche for oneself. During an M Tech, you can choose a specialization and learn every skill relevant to that particular domain. This will open up endless opportunities for you to advance your career in STEM fields.

#2 Benchmark For Selection: Many reputed companies offering positions for engineering specific roles demand professionals with an M Tech degree. Without an M Tech, you will fail to apply for such job roles and miss out on many good opportunities. Thus, M Tech is a way ahead to get better jobs in the first go!

#3 Increased Pay-scale: Additional expertise and an advanced degree can provide for more pay. Companies pay a higher salary to M Tech students in comparison to B Tech students as they are more skilled and educated. Everyone needs better pay, but, for it, you need to put in some extra efforts!

#4 Get a Ph.D.: If your aim is to enter academia, a master’s degree is a must to pursue a Ph.D. Almost every top engineering college in Rajasthan have criteria for faculty selection that requires specialization for candidates. So, to achieve your dream to teach, M Tech is the way to cross!

#5 Build Networks: Unlike B Tech, students are more mature when they reach the stage to pursue M Tech. This allows them to build networks with professors, peers, and management of top recruiters. Such networks are very useful in getting the first job and also at the time when an individual is planning a job switch.

We hope you are now convinced that an M Tech degree can be beneficial for your career at every stage. Start looking up for a reputed institute and get your career on the line of success. All the best guys!



Poornima University

Poornima University (PU) is a Leading Private University in Rajasthan and proud constituent of Poornima Group (PG). Visit: www.poornima.edu.in