Fashion Designing: Sync your Passion with Your Career

Poornima University
3 min readJan 28, 2020

We all get inspired by the latest fashion trends, thanks to the Bollywood and Hollywood industries. Getting inspired and following a trend is one thing, but trying to create different patterns and experimenting to get the perfect look is entirely different. It shows that you are inclined towards this segment and feel an urge to make it big here. If this is true, you should pursue a Fashion designing course in Jaipur to get the basics right. So what does it take to become a good fashion designer? Qualities like creativity, imagination, research, and innovation makes a good fashion designer. How can you sync this passion of yours with your career? Keep reading on to know about it!

Degree Program — Many reputed colleges offer degree programs in Fashion Designing. It is the initial step for becoming a professional in this field. Students who are passionate about this job can apply for these degree courses to learn the basics of this industry, including designing on software, pattern making, figure sketching, knowledge of fabrics, and history of fashion designing. They can also go for the Fashion Merchandising course to get into the retail sales promotion. Retail management, product development, and merchandise planning.

Industry Experience — You cannot become a fashion designer until you get some hands-on-experience to hone your skills. You need to practice what you learned during your fashion course and learn the actual rules of the industry. Many reputed clothing manufacturers, design firms, and personal stylists offer internship programs for students pursuing this course.

The business of Fashion — You see, fashion designing is not only about glamour and designing apparel. You must also understand the basics that work behind the scene. For instance, finance, marketing, and sales are an integral part of this profession. You can present your designs in a fashion show conducted by the Best University in Rajasthan, but you also need to sell them to cover your manufacturing expenses. Many other things also need to be considered in this profession that you must learn before stepping into it.

Portfolio — Once you are done with the steps given above, you will now require developing a collection to display your talent to potential employers. It is an effective medium to demonstrate your creative abilities and skills to the client. Make sure you create an outstanding and professional portfolio, including everything from sketching, designing, pattern making, and sewing.

Constant research and development is the key to success in this industry. Trends don’t remain the same for a longer time, and therefore you must keep yourself abreast of them. Make sure you read a lot of fashion magazines and industry journals for this.



Poornima University

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