What Scope Does A Hotel Management Education Hold In India?

Poornima University
3 min readNov 2, 2020

Hotel management is more than what we know it as. Most people always sum up this course as one that has to do with ‘cooking’ or ‘working in a hotel.’ However, the ones who have a deeper insight into this course know the reality is not limited to this. Rather, hotel management includes several job profiles across many verticals in the hospitality industry. Each of these jobs has a flavour of its own that needs proper education and also experience. This is why a degree in hotel management holds a promising position in India and has great scopes too.

Career scopes in the hotel management industry

The best university in Rajasthan offers hospitality management courses that will take you much closer to your dreams of being associated with this industry. Also, look into these career scopes that are sure to make your fondness for this course more profound and concrete.

  1. Best institutes and universities: The bedrock for any career is education. To establish yourself in this field, you need to enroll yourself under a recognised university and acquire a degree in hospitality or hotel management. On completing it, you should look for your field of specialisation.
  2. An array of job profiles: Front office, operations, security, kitchen, sales and marketing, accounting, maintenance, etc. are some of the most potent job profiles to choose from. Some others are restaurant captain, chef, housekeeping associate, kitchen stewarding supervisor and many other prominent job roles.
  3. Top recruiters: Most of the hotel management colleges under recognised universities, give students the scope to get recruited on the campus. This is of course what is commonly known as ‘campusing’ and choicest recruiters come to hire students under their brand.
  4. Handsome pay packages: Since the demand for all the above-mentioned job options is increasing (with the expansion of the line of hotels and restaurants), you can expect numerous vacancies. Along with it come good pay packages that are going to give you the right amount of boost to work harder.
  5. Make your experience count: Your association with well-known hotels and restaurants will speak for you on your biodata. Thus, your experience counts. In India itself, there are big hotel brands that look forward to hiring promising hotel management students too. They give you hands-on training in more than one job profile so that you do master a list of skills.

The essence of hospitality management courses in Rajasthan is spreading far and wide. That is why several hotel management aspirants are fast seeking admissions in the most reputed university. So, why wait any longer to realise your dreams of a prolific career? Go for your dreams and scale the summit of success!



Poornima University

Poornima University (PU) is a Leading Private University in Rajasthan and proud constituent of Poornima Group (PG). Visit: www.poornima.edu.in